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Revisiting & Rebuilding the Skills & Knowledge in Each Unit 

Week 3 (March 30 - April 3rd)

Rational Number & Geometry

<Khan Academy>

* Direction to join in the class

* Suggested Daily Schedule

- Fractions, decimal, and percentages

- 7th grade geometry (two days)

-8 th grade geometry

* All video lessons, practices and quizzes are assigned in each class. You have to join the class to complete. 

Edpuzzle:Types of Angles & Angle Relationship; use your class code (Find the class code in the Direction)

Desmos: YK5R35


Week 4 (April 3rd- April 10th)

Expressions, Equations, Inequalities

* Directio to Join the Class

<Khan Academy>

* Suggested Daily Schedule

-Two Step Equations & Quiz

-One Step Inequalities & Quiz, Unit Test

-Multistep Equations & Quiz

-Linear Equations & Functions & Quiz

All video lessons, practices and quizzes are assigned in each class. You have to join the class to complete. 

* The students who have not been joining in the class, Strongly encourage you to do it since we will be learning new units remotely.

General Math Skill Practice;

·    Middle school math topics on Virtual Nerd (

·   Assorted math topics, games, worksheets, and activities on Math is Fun (

·   BrainPOP, accessed through Class Link (

·   Additional skill practice by topic on IXL (

·   Additional skill practice by standard on IXL



Shapes & Design (week1, 3/16-3/20)

<Khan Academy> 

*Vertical, complementary, supplementary

*Missing Angles

*Constructing Triangles

(Complete video lessons, practice,quizes) 





Rational Number Operation (3/23-3.27)

<Khan Academy>

*Adding&Subtracting Rational Numbers

(Follow the video, practice &quiz.)

*Rational Numbers Word Problems

(Complete all 7 video lessons & Practice.)

<Tasks Problems in illustrativemath>

*Aaddition and subtraction of rational numbers(Task for 7.NS.1)

*Multiplication and division of rational numbers(Tasks for the 7.NS.2)

*Order of operations with rational numbers (Tasks for the 7.NS.3)

Unit4.Comparing & Scaling

Unit 5. Moving Straight(Linear Relationship)

Unit6. What do you Expect

* Probability Vocabularies

* Probability Models

  • Tree Diagram

  • Area Model

  • Weighted Tree Diagram


Review Packet Answers for Study Guide


* Review/Practice in Khan Academy

Unit 1. Shapes & Design


*Virtual tools to draw triangles

*Video: The conditions of congruent triangles explain why they can daw a unique triangle in each combination of sides and angles. (After this keep Watching #20-22)


*Triangle Equation: Sloving angle problem using algebraic equation.


*Complementary,Supplementary,Vertical angles


*Transversal and parallel


* Unit Review Packet


*Extra Practice Packet

Tri 2 Final Study Guide


Review(blank questions & Notes)/ Key

Unit 3 Stretching & Shrinking


*Click here:Iimportant vocabularies

* Similar triangles and scale factor example. 

Scale Factor and Scale Drawing


* Extra Practice & Key 

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